Buffing and Polishing Wheels can be made out of a variety of materials including cotton, sisal, canvas, chamois, and more. Most of the buffing wheels we carry are made of cotton because of its long wear and consistency.
Spiral Sewn vs. Loose Cotton
Spiral Sewn Buffing Wheels are sewn spirally from the center of the buffing wheels to close to the edge. The stitching style makes these buffing and polishing wheels tough and great for cutting and course buffing. Spiral sewn buffs generally should be used with either Black Emery or Brown Tripoli. Loose Cotton Buffing Wheels have a circle of stitches close to the center of the buffing wheel allowing the individual plies more freedom. These buffing wheels are very flexible and soft making them great for getting into hard-to-reach areas and applying a finish. Loose cotton buffing wheel should be used with either White Diamond or Red Rouge.
Felt Polishing Wheels and Felt Bobs
Felt Polishing Wheels and Felt Bobs are made of compressed wool fibers and work with all compounds. They can be used for any finishing operation and are used to maintain sharp edges and flat surfaces, making them favorites of folks who work with knives. Felt bobs come in a variety of shapes and are great for getting into hard-to-reach areas and removing residue left from buffing.